This article was posted on Written by Kayla Matthews.

In today’s workplace, we have more to do and less time to do it. Gone are the days of being lazy in the office — today’s economy demands you to always be on top of your game, or you will run the risk of losing your job. Follow the 10 tips below to remain productive and motivated each and every day.

1. Multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking can actually make you less productive. The truth is, when you are multitasking, you just aren’t as focused as you could or should be. According to Psychology Today, the only way multitasking can be done productively is if one of the tasks requires no focus and if the tasks involve different brain processing. Instead of multitasking, consider completing one task at a time.

2. Clear Your Mind

To stay on task and keep focused throughout the day, you should take a few minutes to clear and calm your mind. This can be done by just stepping away from your desk or taking a walk around the office. By doing this, you may feel much more mentally focused in order to get your work done.

3. Prioritize Prioritizing

Going off the last tip, planning, and scheduling what needs to get done should be done when your brain is fresh. This is because prioritizing tasks takes a lot of mental effort. Organize your time based on how much you will need for each and the best time of the day or week to complete your task.

4. No Social Media

Pretty much a no-brainer, but being able to completely stave off of your social media networks is a hard task for most people to complete. Keep your Facebook posting and tweets out of the workplace to stay more productive. Ultimately, social media sites are just distractions that need to be avoided.

5. Make Your Routine Tasks Fun

One of the reasons why you may procrastinate when you should be working is because you might find a task too boring. A boring task will make be hard to stay motivated about and actually complete. But, just because it is boring, doesn’t mean you don’t have to do it. Thus, make your routine work more fun by listening to music, or a reward to get the job done.

6. Be Realistic

When making new goals, make sure to be realistic about what you can achieve and accomplish. Your “To-Do” list should only include goals that will actually be completed. Including too many lofty or dream goals on your list will make it much easier for you to fail, and in turn, make you less motivated and productive. Instead, make sure that your list includes small, manageable tasks. Completing these goals will give you a sense of success, improve your confidence, and make it easier to tackle bigger challenges.

7. Don’t Try to Be Too Perfect

One thing to keep in mind when working to complete projects and assignments is that nothing you create will be considered “perfect”. There are always edits and revisions that can be made. Thus, it is better to get things done and out the door, than to hold on to for longer than necessary. If you try to be perfect, projects will continue to pile up on you and you will fall behind. Stay in the moment, and don’t try to be too much of a perfectionist.

8. Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is not only for athletes and musicians. By practicing regular work tasks, you can become more productive and efficient. By making your regular tasks at work more automatic, you will allow your brain to focus on complex goals to conquer. In all reality, the more practice you do, the better you will become at your job, and the more successful you will become in your career.

9. Accountability

Have an accountability coach, or friend, to stay more productive and efficient. Promises are much easier to break when there is no one to hold you accountable for breaking them. Having to tell someone else that you have failed is much harder than being able to rationalize your failures internally. Thus, have a friend or family member that will hold you to your promises. By doing so, you will be much more productive and have reason to get things done.

The next time you are in a productivity slump, consult these tips. Hopefully, these tips will make you feel more motivated to get your work done and drive you to become more successful.