How Leaders Stop Conflict and Create Harmony

August 5th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Author: Dr. Vesna Grubacevic When was the last time you had a disagreement, misunderstanding or conflict with your team, colleague, customer or supplier?  Do you find yourself getting stressed, frustrated, angry, upset or anxious when you communicate with other people in business? Why is effective communication so important? As leaders, it is our role to show

Women shouldn’t have to lead like men to be successful

February 17th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , |

Bold, loud leadership may be valuable, but organizations need to recognize that there is more than one way for employees to contribute effectively. When we talk about feminism in the workplace, we generally discuss the importance of empowering women. When we say empowerment, what we are really suggesting is that women act more like those

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