The Future Belongs to the Adventurist

May 24th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , |

It’s 2036. 20 years ago we were all waiting with baited breath for virtual reality, artificial intelligence, driverless cars, nano medical technology, replaceable organs, and robots to help us make dinner. That seems so archaic now… My friend and thought leader extraordinaire Mykel Dixon believes that “The Future Belongs to the Artists”. Whereas I agree

Are You Receiving Resistance or a Warm Reception?

May 19th, 2016|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , , , |

Do you sometimes feel that your communication flows easily and at other times it is like pulling teeth?  As a leader or manager, would you like to stop getting resistance to your requests, proposals, ideas and suggestions? A Natural Flow When there is a natural flow between people in business, they feel totally comfortable expressing

Is this political correctness gone mad?

May 17th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , |

On a leadership program a woman asked, “When did we stop being able to speak the truth?” I asked her what she meant. She explained in her organisation you can rank applicants for a job as ‘suitable’ or ‘less suitable’. You cannot rank them ‘not suitable’ or even ‘not yet suitable’. She said, “Some people

The Zen of You

May 14th, 2016|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , |

When I think about the moments that matter most in leadership, these are the moments when we need to be most fully ourselves. Like when a colleague is having a meltdown. Like when our integrity is being challenged. Like when someone rejects our work. Our presence needs to be like a lightning bolt: bright, focused,

The Other Side of True Grit: How not to beat yourself up

May 5th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , |

“You idiot!” I berated myself for locking the car before taking my bag out. I was a in flap, rushing to an appointment. That morning I had dropped a picture and cracked the glass, dumped half the chicken food bucket over my feet, and slipped taking the stairs two at a time. Breathe. Calling myself

The known way is not always the safest

April 26th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , |

It was getting late. I was trekking with a group of police officers from Singapore, on a leadership training program with Outback Initiatives. We scrambled along a narrow path that dropped away to sharp cliff rocks, pounded by an especially vigorous surf. I kept glancing down, imagining how I’d be able to rescue someone should

Why speak the truth?

April 12th, 2016|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills|Tags: |

How confident are you in the future? Do you have a great sense of certainty about how the world will be in five years? in ten? My friend and colleague Patrick Hollingsworth writes of the VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) in his outstanding book, The Light and Fast Organisation. He recommends a light

Why your voice matters

April 5th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: |

Do you know that one in seven people on the planet log on to Facebook every day? That’s 1.43 billion people. I bet you were one of them. I was! That can make us feel one of two ways: Insignificant or Bursting with possibilities. The opportunity for global connection and interaction is mind boggling! The

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