Hiring and Retaining Women in Tech

March 14th, 2018|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , , , |

This article originally appeared on Medium.com. Written by Irene Au. The same day UX Magazine published a QuickPanel on Women in Tech, featuring comments from Indi Young, Christina Wodtke, and Brenda Laurel, and me, I had dinner with a high ranking executive at a large well-known tech company. When the topic about women in tech came up, he

4 Careers for Women Who Love Numbers and Data

March 13th, 2018|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , , , |

This article originally appeared on Medium.com. Written by Brooke Faulkner. For some of us, we love utilizing data and numbers in an engaging format because it’s always enjoyable. So the potential of doing so in a professional arena is the best case scenario; it provides challenges and enjoyment in equal measure. Not only that, but the numbers

4 Apps for Work-Life Balance

January 23rd, 2018|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , |

Achieving a work-life balance is no easy feat. Technology makes us constantly accessible, blurring the lines between our personal and professional lives. Since we can work anytime, anywhere, it can be difficult to switch off with an onslaught of competing demands. Our devices also hinder productivity; studies show we spend up to 4 hours a

Are you Being Micromanaged or Being Kept in the Dark?

November 4th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , , |

Are you upset by all the questions your manager, team, prospects, customers and suppliers ask you?  Do you sometimes feel like other people are giving you the third degree, micro managing or interrogating you?  Or perhaps you feel that other people could be more forthcoming with information?  Would you like to understand how to deal

Effective Leaders Hear Rather Than Just Listen

September 21st, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Do you get annoyed or frustrated when other people do not hear what you are saying?  Are you feeling not listened to and wish that your voice was heard?  Is your leadership style one of listening or hearing? Listening Versus Hearing People can listen to you, yet not hear you.  They may be listening to

How Leaders Stop Conflict and Create Harmony

August 5th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Author: Dr. Vesna Grubacevic When was the last time you had a disagreement, misunderstanding or conflict with your team, colleague, customer or supplier?  Do you find yourself getting stressed, frustrated, angry, upset or anxious when you communicate with other people in business? Why is effective communication so important? As leaders, it is our role to show

Introducing the Deputy Director, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science

August 2nd, 2016|Categories: Women in Leadership|Tags: |

Dr Sarah Pearce: Sarah began her career studying Physics at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, Oxford. She later went on to hold a PhD in X-ray Astronomy from the University of Leicester. Her extensive experience includes time as a science adviser in the UK Parliament, Project Manager at  GridPP, the UK's computing

Michelle Williams – CEO & founder at IDEAction

July 13th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , |

Michelle is currently the CEO & Founder at IDEAction, previously to this she was the  Chief Organiser and Manager of StartupWeek Sydney in 2015. She is a highly skilled strategist, facilitator, connector and communicator. Sydney StartUp Week: Sydney's largest start up event. As well as leading the biggest start up event in Sydney, Michelle has

Choose your tribe, don’t let it choose you

May 31st, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: |

In her remarkable book, Daring Greatly, Brené Brown remarks, “We are psychologically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually hardwired for connection, love, and belonging.” It’s a deep primal call to be part of a group, a tribe, that nurtures us and protects us. That’s how we managed to evolve and survive successfully as a species: tribes helped

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