Written by: Raeleen Hooper, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for the Snap Franchise Group

You are not alone. Chessmen in front of the mirror

“The only source of knowledge is experience”, according to Einstein. There are no short cuts, and if you think about the first time you drove a car, started a job or went on a first date, you’ll understand his point. Everything felt unnatural, no matter how much time you spent planning and getting advice, as well as thinking through the outcomes of every possible scenario.

Stepping into a leadership role is no different. There are many great self-help books, fantastic workshops and online training courses available, but real experience is what counts. Many of us have worked with people who naturally bring out the best in us and, it’s when you identify the ‘attribeauties’, they can help lay a solid foundation.

I call them ‘attribeauties’ because I have been lucky enough to work with some fantastic men and women who’ve had amazing leadership attributes. Their ability to bring out the best in people who will work together, achieve great outcomes and continue to be passionate about their goals is simply beautiful. With that in mind, here are five of my favourite ‘attribeauties’.

1. Nobody is perfect, including me

Give yourself a break. You won’t always get things right and when projects go pear-shaped, you should put it down to experience and learn from it. Look to mentors and other forms of training to improve and build your skills.

2. The mirror is your best ready reckoner

The only person in the world who knows all your inner secrets, fears and thoughts, is you. So, look at yourself in the morning (I do it while cleaning my teeth) to check in with your inner self and be honest about how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking. Some days you may not be feeling great, so just give yourself a reminder that this is quite normal and set your expectations for the day accordingly. Remember to be kind to yourself.

3. Mistakes are the basis for learning

This one is easy. Time and time again, the greatest leaders and entrepreneurs in the world state that it was learning from multiple mistakes that brought them success and happiness. Expect to make mistakes and learn from them.

4. Optimism completely outweighs pessimism

Life is good. You have a job you like, you work with like-minded people and you mentor and lead a team of achievers. These are all great reasons to be optimistic every day. Sure, there are tough days at the office but try and look at the bigger picture and focus on the achievements rather than the problems. If there seem to be insurmountable challenges, try flipping them on their head to come at them from a more optimistic angle. For instance, rather than ‘it can’t be done’ try ‘what’s possible?’.

5. Little things can make the biggest difference

As a leader, recognition, support and mentoring are all critical if you want to get the best out of the people in your team. However, sometimes the simple things are often overlooked and yet they can have a big impact. Think about what has created a positive impact and deliver to your team with sincerity, and you will be amazed at the results.

Here are three simple things that have always worked for me: saying ‘thank you’, providing flexible work hours (particularly to deal with peak traffic periods) and smiling and laughing to relieve the pressure.

As you continue to build your leadership experience, what will be your five ‘attribeauties’ that become part of your leadership DNA?

Raeleen Hooper is Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for the Snap Franchise Group and, as part of the executive team, she is working to transform the business from instant print outlets to becoming the leading brand in print, design and websites.