With over 185 delegates, a massive increase from last year’s event, our 3rd Women in Insurance Leadership Summit was a complete success. Over the 4 days, our expert facilitators and speakers explored the importance of Being Bold in the insurance industry, this conference was incredibly empowering.


“Such an awesome experience. Hearing these highly experienced and successful women giving us tips and encouragement is great. Also talking about their failures and accepting that showed great courage. I would highly recommend an event that has been run by Liquid Learning. Well done!”

By our speakers such as Hilary Bates (Zurich), sharing her experiences and her guiding principles: “Back your team- it’s incredibly important to celebrate successes and learn from mistakes”. Her leadership tools and strategies left our delegates feeling empowered and the opportunity to be bold, be brave and Be Better in the competitive insurance industry.


“Great opportunity to take some time and consider your own development and career goals with the backdrop of insights, stories and lessons learned from inspiring women both in and outside of our industry.”


The conference placed focus on celebrating how this industry has made significant progress in narrowing the gender gap and ensuring that this continues to narrow, especially in executive level positions. This summit also allowed aspiring, emerging and existing female leaders interact and learn from each other. This allows for vital leadership skills to be developed and nurtured for you to stand out from the crowd.


“Was one of the best conferences I have attended. I found most speakers to be excellent presenters and informative and they provided me with tools to use back in the workplace.”

“Fantastic session! Engaging, interactive and passionate. Was an interesting perspective on leadership and change and a refreshing approach. A lot of great tips and some work done to ensure that I would continue to work on myself once the summit is over.”


Thank you to Gallagher Bassett and Kaplan Professional for sponsoring this fantastic event.

A big thank you to all of our wonderful speakers and facilitators for sharing their knowledge and their experiences to inspire us all to Be Better.