Businesses with women in leadership roles do better

June 19th, 2014|Categories: News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , |

UNDP leader Helen Clark calls for the removal of barriers for increased women participation in leadership roles in both the public and private sector. United Nations Development Programme administrator Helen Clark has urged wider society to remove barriers that have held women back from taking leadership roles, pointing out that companies that include women in decision-making

Governance and Leadership

June 18th, 2014|Categories: Leadership Skills, News|Tags: , , , |

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Role of Leadership Effective governance and leadership is key if companies are to integrate sustainability into their operations for the long term, according to sustainability expert Dr Carol Adams. Various reasons for starting to consider social and environmental sustainability performance  have been put forward to me by companies during the

Does Modern feminism have it wrong about men?

June 11th, 2014|Categories: News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , |

Today's feminism teaches women to see themselves as victims and men as perverts, bullies and misogynists, says Natasha Devon Earlier this year I was asked to present at a feminist society event in one of the UK's largest and most prestigious universities. I espoused the view that I must be really lucky, because if recent

Helping women rule the business world

June 4th, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, News|

Creating an environment where female business leaders are the norm, not the ­exception, is vital if we are to have a strong economy that leverages the talents of all Australians. It makes sense, both ­socially and economically, that we support women to succeed in business. Women are, on average, more highly educated than men, outlive

Top sector for supporting and retaining female talent

June 2nd, 2014|Categories: News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , |

Accountancy is top sector for supporting and retaining female talent Research shows that women feel most supported in accountancy and education sectors, while advertising, marketing and media have high levels of discrimination Overall, 44% of women say their gender has hindered their career, or believe it will in the future. Accountancy is the best sector for

Workplace gender reporting

May 16th, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

The Australian Government yesterday announced the commencement of consultation on workplace gender equality reporting requirements under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. In a statement released yesterday, the Minister for Employment, Senator Eric Abetz, said the consultation with stakeholders will identify opportunities to streamline reporting requirements to ensure that the information obtained will drive change

Leadership critical for council professionals

May 16th, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

The Centre for Local Government (CLG) at the University of Technology, Sydney, and the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) are boosting opportunities for council employees across Australia to network, share information and learn from each other. Peer relationships are highly valued by people working in the sector, says Sophi Bruce, program specialist

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