10 myths about women and pay equality

November 12th, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , |

There are many ‘truths’ espoused by both men and women about the gender pay gap. This is not a ‘men don’t get it debate’; rather, an opportunity to hold up the mirror to ask why this is so. And it can be changed. Our community has an unconscious bias regarding pay equity. It does not matter

Let’s see, where do we start?

October 29th, 2014|Categories: Leadership Skills, News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , |

Speaking at a Women in Media event at the National Press Club this afternoon, Julie Bishop has raised a number of controversial topics. She started by commenting on being the only woman in cabinet, in saying “I pay tribute to all the women who have been cabinet ministers before me. The challenge I have set

Are we looking at the next female Prime Minister?

October 24th, 2014|Categories: News, Women in Leadership|

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is being talked up as a future leader of the Liberal Party, Queensland Liberal MP Teresa Gambaro has told a private gathering of female ambassadors. Ms Gambaro speculated that Ms Bishop could "one day" become Prime Minister, after criticising the number of females in Parliament as too low. Ms Gambaro made

Peta Credlin establishes women-only network to support government staffers

October 21st, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, News, Women in Leadership|

The Prime Minister's chief of staff Peta Credlin has established a network of female staffers within the government so that they can "support each other" and maximise their exposure to other women in leadership roles. The Coalition Women's Staff Network will be launched by Prime Minister Tony Abbott next Wednesday evening. Women's Weekly editor Helen

Americans prefer a male boss even though women are better for business

October 20th, 2014|Categories: Leadership Skills, News, Women in Leadership|

A new Gallup poll found that American men and women prefer a male boss to a female one. Though the popularity of women bosses has improved since the 1950s, it hasn’t changed much in this century. Instead, the number of people who say they prefer men has decreased, and “no preference” has increased over time.

Where are all the women fund managers?

August 6th, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

A 2009 survey by French fund association AFG found that equity funds managed by women had produced more consistent results than those managed by males over a one, three and five-year period. The same year, according to the Financial Times, a poll by Ignites Europe found the majority of asset management professionals believe women make

Women’s participation in non-traditional industries

July 31st, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

The building, construction and property services industries are generally perceived to be 'male dominated' with the representation of women remaining low across all levels. Key contributors include; industries struggling to attract women to consider and apply for jobs and challenges in engaging and retaining the women who have chosen to work in these industries. However,

Where are the women in business and government?

July 8th, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, News|Tags: , , |

The ongoing debate about women's role in the scheme of things continues to puzzle me, so I'll risk setting out my take in this article. Former department head Allan Hawke continues his 'People matter' series on managing staff. 1963 In 1963, Beryl Wilson was proposed as Australia's first female trade commissioner - to the Los Angeles post,

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