Meet Kellie Hush; BAZAAR’s Editor In Chief

June 15th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Kellie Hush has held the title of Editor-in-chief of Harper’s BAZAAR Australia since 2012. She is responsible for the BAZAAR brand across all platforms -- print, digital, events and social media. With more than 20 years’ experience in the Australian and luxury fashion market, Hush is one of the most influential magazine editors in Australia

Four Successful Leaders On The Most Important Leadership Quality

June 15th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

If could pinpoint the most important leadership quality, what would it be? The Women in Insurance Leadership Summit was held in Sydney in May and 25 industry leaders shared stories of success (and failure). We asked some of the speakers to share their most important quality that makes a great leader. From complex decision making

The Secret To Getting What You Want

June 8th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

What do you most want in your life or in your business? If you have an immediate answer to this question, I applaud you — because you are the exception, not the rule.  The secret to getting what you want begins with getting clear about what you actually want. Yet “What do I want?” is

7 Fail-Safe Steps to Increase Responsibility and Develop Your Team

June 8th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

If you’re not offering your people the opportunity to grow – to increase their responsibility and learn new skills – you are going to lose them. According to a large-scale study conducted by INSEAD, millennials in the workplace care most about the opportunity for growth, meaning and relationships. They will even take a job that pays

3 Ways to Take Credit

June 8th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

It happened again… As it always does when I speak to groups of women. But this month it happened three times:  Women ask me how they can promote themselves and take credit for their accomplishments. The first time this month, was when I was with an exceptional group of young university students and graduates from

Benefits of Networking Outside of Your Company

May 23rd, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

By: Allison Matejczyk - Director Corporate Partnerships at Elevate... @AllisonMat27   It's no surprise that networking is the number one unwritten rule of success. Eighty-five percent of jobs are now found through networking, however the benefits of going to that mingle or meet-up outside of your company walls extend far beyond landing a new job.

10 Tips To Progress In Your Career

May 23rd, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

The Women in Insurance Leadership Summit ran in Sydney last week and we jumped on the opportunity to learn from some of the most inspiring women in the industry. The speaker line up included Executives from internationally renowned brands such as Suncorp, AIG and BT. Jenny Oliver, General Manager of Group Insurance at TAL, opened up

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