Self Promotion Is A Leadership Skill

March 16th, 2015|Categories: Gender Diversity, Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|

Despite the fact that most women understand the importance of self-promotion for their advancement, they do not intentionally use it. We have been conditioned to take the back seat and wait to be recognized. As a consequence, we often have this inner argument about how to proceed with self-promotion. We know we should do more

Women shouldn’t have to lead like men to be successful

February 17th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , |

Bold, loud leadership may be valuable, but organizations need to recognize that there is more than one way for employees to contribute effectively. When we talk about feminism in the workplace, we generally discuss the importance of empowering women. When we say empowerment, what we are really suggesting is that women act more like those

6 Personality Traits Of High-Performing Women

January 22nd, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills, News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , |

Researchers at talent management consulting firm Caliper wanted to find out if there are certain personality traits associated with women’s leadership success, as well as challenges that hold them back. They asked 85 women at the senior vice president level or above who managed a functional area like marketing, research and development, and sales, to

4 Courageous Conversations Every Leader Should Have

January 21st, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , |

Leadership is never easy; yet, it is one of life's greatest experiences. The work of a leader is much more difficult today in this ever-changing and distracted world. Leaders need to rise above all the noise to form strong, effective bonds with their teams while envisioning the future and navigating the present. There is always

Top Aussie business women’s secrets to success

December 19th, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , |

The best women in business around Australia were honoured at the Telstra Business Woman of the Year 2014 awards. Here’s their advice on how to achieve success.   Telstra Business Woman of the Year: UnitingCare QLD CEO Anne Cross. A Queensland social worker who transformed the UnitingCare health care services over her 11 years as

10 Actions That Highlight You as a Leader

December 12th, 2014|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , |

People who have been followers too long as an employee don’t realise how hard it is to be a leader. Driving these actions are some basic principles that entrepreneurial leaders, such as Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh and Evernote CEO Phil Libin, seem to have learned early. These have helped them build trust and confidence among

“Sport is part of my DNA.”

November 19th, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , |

Suzanne will be attending the The 2nd Annual Women in Finance and Accounting Leadership Summit 2015, held at The Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney. The event will feature a Pre-Summit Workshop on 16 February, with the Summit to run across 17 & 18 February, concluding with a Post-Summit Workshop on 19 February. Suzanne's involvement will include the INTERACTIVE CLOSING ROUNDTABLE on the topic 'Future directions for emerging

Tanya Plibersek – “Why I’m a feminist”

November 13th, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , |

I am a feminist. Not because I’m a whinger, or a victim, but because I understand how very fortunate I am. And I’m grateful to the women (and men) who’ve made that possible. If a footballer runs onto the field to a barrage of racist abuse, should he ignore it? Or should he call it

Today’s Leadership Lessons on Gender Balance

November 5th, 2014|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: |

Large, established organizations are finally starting to accept that gender imbalances are a business problem. Yes, Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella recently lit up the blogosphere with his unfortunate suggestion that women should not ask for pay raises. (He quickly apologised.) But gaffes like his are increasingly out of step with the mainstream. This summer, Google

Let’s see, where do we start?

October 29th, 2014|Categories: Leadership Skills, News, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , |

Speaking at a Women in Media event at the National Press Club this afternoon, Julie Bishop has raised a number of controversial topics. She started by commenting on being the only woman in cabinet, in saying “I pay tribute to all the women who have been cabinet ministers before me. The challenge I have set

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