The career interruption worth planning for

July 24th, 2015|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, News, Women in Leadership|

Beginning in college, years before she planned to have children, Yi Gu began strategising about how to have a career that was flexible enough to fit in family responsibilities. She knew that arrangement wasn't realistic in her first two jobs: banking, in which she worked very long hours, or consulting, in which she travelled often.

More diverse leadership models a must

July 22nd, 2015|Categories: Gender Diversity, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|

Australian organisations need to develop more diverse leadership models in a changing world but it would seem many of them are mired in the past. Yet we're not alone. A quick look at many of the world's leading corporations and they are defined by their leader. The leader is revered as the extraordinarily talented figurehead

Effective management tips for developing leaders

July 21st, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

BEING the boss isn't about being the oldest person in the room any more, it's about effective leadership. But how do you know what that means, particularly in the boardroom, if you finished high school only a few years ago? Australia's National Mental Health Commissioner and chief executive of The Rogue and Rouge Foundation, 22-year-old

Kristina Keneally joins Macquarie Graduate School of Management to mentor women

July 20th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

NSW's first woman premier Kristina Keneally has joined the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, where she will mentor women students and lead the school's effort to boost the number of women doing MBAs. MGSM dean Alex Frino praised the former premier's advocacy for diversity in leadership and said she would be the school's director for gender inclusion, as well

Strategizing Toward Better Leaders

July 16th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Organizations can improve business results and increase organizational resilience by developing more strategic leaders, but they have to address leadership and strategy in an integrated way. We studied more than 300 leaders from around the world through the lens of leadership and strategy in our new book “Leading With Strategic Thinking.” Our analysis revealed several

Mind your head: glass ceiling still above

July 13th, 2015|Categories: Gender Diversity, Leadership Skills|

Avoiding the issue of inequality in the workplace won't change anything, writes Janine Garner. Women need to take positive steps. By Janine Garner If you've been in business for any length of time, it can get to a point where the temptation is overwhelming to take off the stilettos, rub your aching feet and shove on

An MD’s advice for avoiding obsolete careers

July 9th, 2015|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills|

In business, technology is everything. Sarah Adam-Gedge doesn't want to see women miss out. Now the managing director of Avanade Australia, she's been working with technology in some shape or form for decades, and sees it as a breeding ground for great careers. Adam-Gedge is one of a growing club of women at the top

One Woman In The Boardroom Isn’t Enough. Here’s Why.

July 7th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Elizabeth Dolan quit her job as a director at a public company in May. Then, she did something unusual: She told the world why. As the sole woman on the board of the activewear company Quiksilver, Dolan says she faced an unacceptable level of unconscious gender bias, as she described in a June blog post

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