Four Things To Do When Your Team Is Smarter Than You

April 1st, 2016|Categories: Gender Diversity, Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|

Author: Stephaine Vozza   Don't be intimidated by a smart staff, just learn how to direct their intelligence and skills. If you think the boss should have all the answers, you might be confused about what it means to be a good leader. As a general rule of thumb, every person hired should be smarter

Management Vs. Leadership: Five Ways They Are Different

March 31st, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Author: Liz Ryan For years we were taught that management has to do with forecasting, budgeting, planning and controlling. Managers were taught to manage, not to lead. New supervisors and grizzled management veterans were taught how to assign work to subordinates, how to evaluate their teammates’ work, how to counsel people on performance problems and how to hire

How Can Young Women Develop a Leadership Style?

March 30th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

A leadership guide featuring step-by-step how-tos, Wall Street Journal stories and video interviews with CEOs.   Young women may face unique challenges in asserting and developing a leadership style. Some struggle with managing others while maintaining a “good girl” image. They don’t want to be ignored, but they don’t want to be seen as too

5 Essentials To Managing Multicultural Teams

March 24th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

  Author: Gwen Moran Managing culturally diverse teams requires the same skills as managing teams in general, but there are some things that need extra attention. Perhaps your company has worked hard to cultivate diversity. Or, maybe you’re part of a multicultural organization that prioritizes the contributions of a diverse workforce. Now, you’re managing a

6 Signs That You’re Management Material

March 23rd, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

  Author: Stephanie Vozza Becoming a boss isn’t a career goal for many, but if it is for you, here are the traits you’ll need.   Some people are born leaders, but that doesn’t mean they want to step into management roles at work. So how can companies encourage more employees to climb the leadership ladder?

Five Ways To Become A Fearless Leader: Tips From Top Female Executives

March 17th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Author: Lisa Song Sutton   Women in business generally belong to one of two leadership groups: female founders or female executives. While equity ownership may vary, these two groups both have decision-making power, scores of employees who rely on them, and have arguably paved the way for the modern woman entrepreneur. I started my first company

Four Ways to Grow your Start-Up

March 16th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , , |

Authors: Ranjay Gulati and Alicia DeSantola   Why do so many start-ups that seem to have it all — customers, cash, a promising outlook — run off the rails? Ask a venture capitalist, and you’ll probably hear that they have trouble “scaling”. What does that mean, though? VCs typically describe it as a need to “professionalise

Why Don’t We Speak Up?

March 11th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: |

“What do you think, Zoë?” Holy crap. This was it. I had to say something. My colleague had just thrown me a bone in a meeting. He knew I was peeved about the contract and was quietly stewing in frustration. And not saying anything. It was only when he set me up directly that I

Listen up employers, women want the foreign postings you keep giving to men

March 10th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Women working for big global companies say they aren’t getting the international assignments they need for career advancement because employers think they’re less mobile than men. Photo: Stocksy Authors:  Jeff Green and Carol Hymowitz   Women working for big global companies say they aren’t getting the international assignments they need for career advancement because employers

How to Influence with Integrity

March 10th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , |

“You build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image, truth over convenience, or honour over personal gain.” – John Maxwell Everyday in life we get the opportunity to influence others. In the work domain, this includes our peers, direct reports, our manager who may be the MD or CEO and our customers

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