Why speak the truth?

April 12th, 2016|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills|Tags: |

How confident are you in the future? Do you have a great sense of certainty about how the world will be in five years? in ten? My friend and colleague Patrick Hollingsworth writes of the VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) in his outstanding book, The Light and Fast Organisation. He recommends a light

Why Ego Has Become a Dirty Word Among Leaders

April 8th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Author: Patrick Durkin   Having leading chief executives, billionaires and emerging entrepreneurs assembled in the same room for The Australian Financial Review Business Summit in March was a unique opportunity for BOSS to ask what they thought the next generation of leaders would be like. Speed, agility, curiosity and digital capability were all among the most

6 Toxic Behaviors That Push People Away: How To Recognize Them In Yourself and Change Them

April 7th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Author: Kathy Caprino   In my line of work, I hear from hundreds of people a month, and connect with professionals in a more public, open way than ever before. Through this experience, I’ve seen scores of toxic behaviors that push people away (including me). And I’ve witnessed the damage these behaviors cause – to relationships,

Why your voice matters

April 5th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: |

Do you know that one in seven people on the planet log on to Facebook every day? That’s 1.43 billion people. I bet you were one of them. I was! That can make us feel one of two ways: Insignificant or Bursting with possibilities. The opportunity for global connection and interaction is mind boggling! The

The Most Important Leadership Competencies, According to Leaders Around the World

April 4th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

  Author: Dave Wheeler   What makes an effective leader? This question is a focus of my research as an organizational scientist, executive coach, and leadership development consultant. Looking for answers, I recently completed the first round of a study of 195 leaders in 15 countries over 30 global organizations. Participants were asked to choose

Asserting Yourself Tactfully

April 1st, 2016|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , |

What is preventing you from asserting yourself with your peers, manager, team members, prospects, customers and suppliers?  Do you worry about being rude or pushy or how others will perceive you?  Are you concerned about having a confrontation? Having spent most of my 35 years in business in male dominated environments, I have watched the

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