Why are women in Iceland leaving work at precisely 2:38pm?

October 28th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , |

In 1975 Icelandic women were fed up of being undervalued.  It wasn’t just that they weren’t being valued for their labour, they also were sick of their lack of political representation: only nine women had ever won seats in parliament. So against the backdrop of the global feminist movement, Iceland’s women decided to take things

Why you must be decisive to succeed -– and 5 ways to do it more

October 26th, 2016|Categories: Gender Diversity, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: |

By Amanda Rose, CEO, The Business Women Media There are endless articles and books promising you the ‘secrets to success’ –which often turn out to be a whole lot of hype and lacking in actual pragmatic or practical tips on HOW to actually succeed. But there is one very simple — yet often overlooked —

People sell dreams and deliver nightmares

October 21st, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

By Amanda Rose, CEO, The Business Women Media Daydreaming is a popular pastime for every single person. And it’s an important part of visualising your future success and goals. Visualisation can include dreaming about how successful you want to become, how you want to develop your business or career, even just about that car you

Trust no-one and you’re off to a good start

October 18th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

By Amanda Rose, CEO, The Business Women Media My wariness motto in business and in life: Trust no-one and you’re off to a good start. I’m sometimes labeled as cynical for saying this.  And that labeling is often by the very people who spend their days complaining online or at business functions that someone has

Chief Operating Officer: Fairfax Media

October 11th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

 Georgina Gaussen Role: Chief Operating Officer Company: Fairfax Media Working pattern: 0.90 FTE In the office Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, work remotely on a Thursday. Thursday mornings I volunteer at my children's school, providing reading support to children. Obviously, I find this time of the week very rewarding and am able to show my face

Why friendship is important in the workplace

October 4th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Written by Michelle Gibbings; Change and Leadership Expert Organisations often talk about culture, but rarely consider the role that having friendships in the workplace plays in creating a healthy, dynamic and productive work environment. There’s no doubt that workplaces are complex environments – bringing together a melting pot of people with varying ideas, assumptions, experiences, expectations

Women in stem: quality over quantity

September 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , |

Earlier this year, leading academics in engineering raised concerns about gender imbalance and the number of girls studying STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in high school. Engineering is a predominantly male dominated market which is consistent internationally. In Australia, 21% of the engineering workforce are women  and that number will drop as only 14.4%

#Wilmachat – Live Twitter Conversations

September 27th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , |

For years we’ve helped bring like-minded Australian women together to build knowledge, confidence and networking opportunities. We look forward to supporting you in the same, and new ways. We love to  stay connected, keep conversations flowing, share knowledge and succeed in the workforce of tomorrow. As a WILMA member, we encourage you to get involved and

Effective Leaders Hear Rather Than Just Listen

September 21st, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Do you get annoyed or frustrated when other people do not hear what you are saying?  Are you feeling not listened to and wish that your voice was heard?  Is your leadership style one of listening or hearing? Listening Versus Hearing People can listen to you, yet not hear you.  They may be listening to

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