10 Tips To Progress In Your Career

May 23rd, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

The Women in Insurance Leadership Summit ran in Sydney last week and we jumped on the opportunity to learn from some of the most inspiring women in the industry. The speaker line up included Executives from internationally renowned brands such as Suncorp, AIG and BT. Jenny Oliver, General Manager of Group Insurance at TAL, opened up

10 Tweaks To Your Morning Routine That Will Transform Your Entire Day

May 8th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use a little boost in their energy and self-control. Researchers at the University of Nottingham recently published findings from their exploration of 83 separate studies on energy and self-control. What they found will change the way you start your day. The researchers found that self-control and energy are not

The Imperfect Work-Life Balance

May 5th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

  How do we serve clients, ourselves and those that matter most? At each of life’s stages, we are given choices – deciding how we spend our time, when and where we choose to invest in ourselves, how we build and rely upon our network of family and friends. Although these choices are never easy,

Five Ways To Manage Fear When You Stretch Outside Your Comfort Zone

May 5th, 2017|Categories: Career lessons, life hacks, Tips & Tricks|

I thought about writing about growth, since it’s spring, and growth is something that happens when you stretch outside your comfort zone. (I did write about growth for the 4/16 issue of the newsletter in case you missed that one!) But the flip side of the positive growth that comes when you stretch outside your

How To Be Bold For Change Every Day

April 27th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Written by Margie Warrell on March 9, 2017 I must tell you – I love being a woman!  And I have long felt blessed to have been born in a time when women have so many opportunities and choices that even my own mother never had.  Yet of all the barriers women still face, one of the biggest is a lack of self-confidence

So You Got Fired… Now What?

April 26th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Getting fired is a painful experience. Often it comes as no surprise, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it feels deserved. Sometimes, though you know it might be coming, it may still be something that you are not prepared for (mentally or financially). In reality, getting fired is both a blessing and a curse. Let’s talk

The Art of Selling to Female Clients

April 18th, 2017|Categories: Career lessons, How to|

The first and most important concept to remember when selling to a woman is “Don’t sell her”. To most women selling stirs feelings of pressure, detachment and ulterior motives.  Yet most women especially when it comes to their finances need a push, need convincing before they will take action… even when that action is in

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