Pellentesque sollicitudin augue quis neque

October 11th, 2015|Categories: Android, Hardware, Reviews|Tags: , , , |

Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl nec tempor. Proin varius turpis ut sem porttitor varius. Sed aliquet mi at libero ultrices consectetur. Vivamus egestas, metus quis egestas egestas, tortor justo pharetra diam, et dapibus massa nibh dapibus risus. Sed ut

Nunc ante nulla semper sit amet eleifend mattis sed

October 9th, 2015|Categories: Apps, Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl nec tempor. Proin varius turpis ut sem porttitor varius. Sed aliquet mi at libero ultrices consectetur. Vivamus egestas, metus quis egestas egestas, tortor justo pharetra diam, et dapibus massa nibh dapibus risus. Sed ut

Aenean lobortis sapien enim viverra molestie cursus

October 9th, 2015|Categories: Microsoft, News|Tags: , , |

Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl nec tempor. Proin varius turpis ut sem porttitor varius. Sed aliquet mi at libero ultrices consectetur. Vivamus egestas, metus quis egestas egestas, tortor justo pharetra diam, et dapibus massa nibh dapibus risus. Sed ut

Three Things Leaders Should Be Doing Every Day

October 9th, 2015|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|

According to Linda A. Hill, professor at Harvard Business School and author of Becoming a Manager,and Kent Lineback, co-author of Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation – who also has many years’ experience in management, executive business and government – there are three key practices managers should be engaging in on a daily basis. They discussed these practices

Reconnect Your Team By Moving From ‘Me’ To ‘We’ – Janine Garner

October 7th, 2015|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|

- Author Janine Garner   Too often, team engagement – in particular the engagement between leaders and their key people – is left to HR to manage. This results in a lack of 'big picture' thinking, and a business that isn't operating at optimal levels. If a corporation is going to survive in the 'age of

Employers Lift Their Game On Pay Equity

October 2nd, 2015|Categories: Gender Diversity, Leadership Skills|

Employers lift their game on pay equity A growing number of CEOs are taking action to understand and correct pay imbalances between women and men according to new data released today by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. The Agency’s 2015 report card on employer action on pay equity finds a measurable increase in employers

Monash Health Moves Into Fujitsu Facility At Noble Park

October 2nd, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

  Monash Health CIO Philip Nesci Ahead of $40m electronic health records project. Monash Health has migrated its data centre operations into a co-located setup at Fujitsu's Noble Park facility as it lays the groundwork for the introduction of electronic medical records. The organisation incorporates the Monash Medical Centre Clayton, Monash Children’s Hospital, Dandenong Hospital, Casey

15 Successful Australian Entrepreneurs Share The Best Advice They Ever Received

October 1st, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Intrinsically driven to innovate, find solutions, create new things and be the best, entrepreneurs are a special breed. But being successful often relies on more than just motivation and ingenuity. Usually, behind a great business person is great advice. Whether it be from a mentor, loved one, or educator, entrepreneurs often have wisdom to fall

The road to the top: inclusive leadership, proof points of performance, and male mentors

October 1st, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Lyn McGrath is the embodiment of successful female leadership. Starting off as a junior media researcher, Lyn transitioned to a banking career at a Regional office in Dubbo, where she made her way through the ranks, and now, she manages over 12,000 staff across Australia, the UK and China in her role as Executive General

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