Failure To Engage Is Engaging With Failure

October 26th, 2015|Categories: Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Connecting, collaborating, communicating. All great words – but they do require us to use another ‘c’ word – courage. They require us to be brave, to step up and drive change through our influential actions and conversations. It still surprises me how many of us put networking in the box which has been labelled in

Lead From Within: 7 Acts Of Courage For Women Leaders

October 26th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Author: Margie Warrell   Women make great leaders. We are good listeners, naturally perceptive, highly compassionate and wonderful bridge builders. Needless to say, women who reach the highest levels of power have proven themselves time and time again at being incredibly effective at influencing change and delivering results. However we also know that there are still

Why Don’t We Have More Women Leaders?

October 20th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

This article is written by our Guest Blogger Sonia McDonald, CEO & Founder of LeadershipHQ. Sonia has chaired and presented at a number of Liquid Learning Women in Leadership summits including the Women in Retail & FMCG Leadership Summit and the Women in Local Government Leadership Summit. Sonia McDonald, CEO & Founder of LeadershipHQ It is not that women

Important Behaviours For Women In Leadership Positions To Adopt

October 19th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Author: Young Entrepreneur Council   Image Credit: Sergey Nivens, Shutterstock We’ve all read about the qualities it takes to become a great female leader: How to ‘lean in,’ what language to use in order to show an attitude of cooperation, the importance of personal flexibility. In addition to some of these overt actions and the

Putting Off Procrastination!

October 14th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

This article is written by our Guest Blogger Dr. Vesna Grubacevic, Founder of 'Qt' and Performance Transformation Expert. Dr. Vesna Grubacevic When was the last time you put off doing something that you said you would do? Do you drag your feet when it comes to taking certain action or completing some tasks like applying for

Twelve Favourite Gender Diversity Initiatives

October 12th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

This article is written by our Guest Blogger Catherine Nolan, Director and Principal Coach at Gender Gap Gone. Catherine has chaired and presented at a number of Liquid Learning Women in Leadership summits, including the upcoming Women in Banking & Financial Services Workshop and Women in Safety Leadership Summit. Catherine Nolan Most organisations have great initiatives in

Happiness Momentum

October 12th, 2015|Categories: Inspiration|Tags: , , |

Welcome to this week’s blog on the simple concept of happiness. Happiness really is such a simple concept, but many of us struggle to feel good on a daily basis and feel like we are riding an emotional roller coaster. Do you know that happiness and wellbeing is your birth right? Did you know you

5 Things To Adopt On Day One As A New Leader

October 12th, 2015|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Assuming a new leadership role can be daunting. Serving in a managerial role one day and a leadership role the next without receiving the “memo” of what leadership looks like is really a recipe for disaster. Without training or coaching, you only have two options: to rely upon the skills that earned you the promotion,

Morbi vitae dui euismod vulputate sollicitudin

October 11th, 2015|Categories: Apple, Hardware, News, Reviews|Tags: , , , |

Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl nec tempor. Proin varius turpis ut sem porttitor varius. Sed aliquet mi at libero ultrices consectetur. Vivamus egestas, metus quis egestas egestas, tortor justo pharetra diam, et dapibus massa nibh dapibus risus. Sed ut

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