Does The Gender Equality In Work Feel A Little One Sided?

October 11th, 2016|Categories: Gender Diversity, Women in Leadership|

It's the elephant in the room in most company boardrooms A snap-shot from the federal Governments Workplace Gender Equality Agency has found that men on average earn 24% more than women which equate to around $27,000 per year.   There is no doubt that gender equality is a problem throughout the world. But what can

The Big Benefits Of Walking To Work

October 7th, 2016|Categories: Inspiration|

A productive day starts with a smooth morning. However, not everyone's a morning person, some of us need the AM's to plain sail to set a positive mental attitude.  Morning person or not. Instead of sitting in traffic or being crammed into the back of a busy bus, there are some better ways to start

Why friendship is important in the workplace

October 4th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Written by Michelle Gibbings; Change and Leadership Expert Organisations often talk about culture, but rarely consider the role that having friendships in the workplace plays in creating a healthy, dynamic and productive work environment. There’s no doubt that workplaces are complex environments – bringing together a melting pot of people with varying ideas, assumptions, experiences, expectations

Women in stem: quality over quantity

September 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , |

Earlier this year, leading academics in engineering raised concerns about gender imbalance and the number of girls studying STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in high school. Engineering is a predominantly male dominated market which is consistent internationally. In Australia, 21% of the engineering workforce are women  and that number will drop as only 14.4%

#Wilmachat – Live Twitter Conversations

September 27th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , |

For years we’ve helped bring like-minded Australian women together to build knowledge, confidence and networking opportunities. We look forward to supporting you in the same, and new ways. We love to  stay connected, keep conversations flowing, share knowledge and succeed in the workforce of tomorrow. As a WILMA member, we encourage you to get involved and

Effective Leaders Hear Rather Than Just Listen

September 21st, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Do you get annoyed or frustrated when other people do not hear what you are saying?  Are you feeling not listened to and wish that your voice was heard?  Is your leadership style one of listening or hearing? Listening Versus Hearing People can listen to you, yet not hear you.  They may be listening to

Control Your Leadership Brand With LinkedIn

September 13th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Author: Sonia Mcdonald, CEO & Founder LeadershipHQ Controlling your leadership brand with LinkedIn can set you apart from the rest. Some days your career as a leader might seem to have a mind of its own, taking you off on tangents from your pathway. You might even feel that you have lost control of your purpose

Mary Linnell, Telstra Business Award Winner

September 9th, 2016|Categories: Gender Diversity, Inspiration, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|

Mary Linnell is an inspirational leader who has been running a successful business in a male-dominated construction sector for over 13 years. Originally raised in Canada, Mary’s background includes working in hospitality and winning ‘Top Novice Worldwide’ awards at Flight Centre LTD. After this success, Mary launched ‘Easy Glass Services’ in 2002  and now leads

Why Every Office Should Have A Dog

September 8th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Here at Wilma, we're a team full of dog lovers—but we've never been lucky enough to have an office dog of our own.  Barging into your boss’s office with a proposed strategy to introduce a friendly canine is a hard sell, but it’s one you should be considering.. 1. They'll Be There to Greet You Every

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