Unequal Pay – The Bitter Truths

November 8th, 2016|Categories: Diversity|

Australia is ranked #46 in the world for gender equality. The gap is slowly closing, but to be fully equal, women will have to wait 170 years. Here are some bitter truths of unequal pay in Australia alone. All facts found on www.wgea.gov.au Join together and make a change in your lifetime, not 170 years. Join

A Neuroscience Perspective on Giving Presentations.

November 7th, 2016|Categories: Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , |

Written by Jill Sweatman | Neuroscience Strategist for Change Management, Learning & Development, Guest Lecturer Knowing even a little about the brain will help your presentations, even if you are scared. And that, by the way, is perfectly natural. The brain loves a challenge. The brain loves novel and new experiences. The brain loves social interaction,

Are you Being Micromanaged or Being Kept in the Dark?

November 4th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , , , , |

Are you upset by all the questions your manager, team, prospects, customers and suppliers ask you?  Do you sometimes feel like other people are giving you the third degree, micro managing or interrogating you?  Or perhaps you feel that other people could be more forthcoming with information?  Would you like to understand how to deal

Presenter Bio – Jacqui Pollock

November 3rd, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

  Honing multiple qualifications and experience using sophisticated diagnostic tools that support transformational leadership shifts. Jacqui Pollock is an inspiring executive coach with over twenty-five years of marketing, HR and management experience gained in Australian and overseas businesses, she is a skilled facilitator, published author and coaching partner to many senior leaders in Australian industry.

6 Conference Essentials

November 2nd, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail Conferences can be exhausting as well as exhilarating. The right attire and tools can keep you at the top of your game and make forever lasting impressions. Conferences can be jam packed full of influential and inspiring content you can take back to the office. It’s easy to feel

Why are women in Iceland leaving work at precisely 2:38pm?

October 28th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|Tags: , , |

In 1975 Icelandic women were fed up of being undervalued.  It wasn’t just that they weren’t being valued for their labour, they also were sick of their lack of political representation: only nine women had ever won seats in parliament. So against the backdrop of the global feminist movement, Iceland’s women decided to take things

Why you must be decisive to succeed -– and 5 ways to do it more

October 26th, 2016|Categories: Gender Diversity, Leadership Skills, Women in Leadership|Tags: |

By Amanda Rose, CEO, The Business Women Media There are endless articles and books promising you the ‘secrets to success’ –which often turn out to be a whole lot of hype and lacking in actual pragmatic or practical tips on HOW to actually succeed. But there is one very simple — yet often overlooked —

People sell dreams and deliver nightmares

October 21st, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

By Amanda Rose, CEO, The Business Women Media Daydreaming is a popular pastime for every single person. And it’s an important part of visualising your future success and goals. Visualisation can include dreaming about how successful you want to become, how you want to develop your business or career, even just about that car you

Trust no-one and you’re off to a good start

October 18th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

By Amanda Rose, CEO, The Business Women Media My wariness motto in business and in life: Trust no-one and you’re off to a good start. I’m sometimes labeled as cynical for saying this.  And that labeling is often by the very people who spend their days complaining online or at business functions that someone has

Chief Operating Officer: Fairfax Media

October 11th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Skills|

 Georgina Gaussen Role: Chief Operating Officer Company: Fairfax Media Working pattern: 0.90 FTE In the office Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, work remotely on a Thursday. Thursday mornings I volunteer at my children's school, providing reading support to children. Obviously, I find this time of the week very rewarding and am able to show my face

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