7 Science-Backed Learning Hacks to Help You Learn Anything Faster

February 28th, 2017|Categories: life hacks|

Are you learning a new skill? Whether you’re learning a language, instrument, or sport, there’s science-backed learning hacks you can systematically follow to learn it faster. With technology, communication tools, and access to information, there’s no limit to what you can learn today. We’ve curated our top 7 learning hacks that you can use for

Women in Leadership Supporters – Wilma

February 27th, 2017|Categories: Conferences|

Wilma supported over 5 conferences and training seminars last week! Here's a  little insight to what went on... "fantastically run and inspiring conference.” - Delegate “I would highly recommend this event to any of my peers.”- Delegate  “Outstanding! Wish I had an Eleanor avatar to help with all my career challenges and opportunities. This is

Communicating Assertively and Confidently as a Woman in Business

February 15th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Written by Caryn Walsh, Business Consultant, International Leadership and team Development Specialist, Facilitator, Executive coach The ‘glass ceiling’ has a limiting effect on the ability of women to grow into positions of substantial leadership in any industry and gender equality at senior levels, an area of significant concern, has yet to be achieved across most industries.

5 Ways for Women to Deal with Workplace Bullying and Harassment

February 13th, 2017|Categories: Advice|Tags: , |

Research shows that workplace bullying costs the Australian economy between $6 billion and $36 billion every year and on  average, each claim costs employers between $17,000 to $24,000, depending on the case. But it’s not only about the money. The impact of workplace bullying and harassment on other people can be devastating and as fear

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