Why it’s So Difficult for Women to Become Online Experts and How to Overcome These Limitations

April 18th, 2017|Categories: How to, Personal development|

In my business, I am fortunate to work with hundreds of business owners. A numerous amount of them are in their 40s and already have families to care for. In order for them to pursue their dreams, many have departed from their previous, and many others are business owners who are looking to target new

11 Steps to take to claim your seat at Table of Organisational Greatness

April 15th, 2017|Categories: Leadership Skills|

Written by Caryn Walsh, Business Consultant, International Leadership and team Development Specialist, Facilitator, Executive coach There is little that women cannot do.  We cook, clean, play taxi driver, wash, help others, plan for the family, look after our parents, neighbours and other people’s children, yet in business we often falter. Why is that? Why do we earn

Stop Waiting – It’s Your Turn

April 13th, 2017|Categories: Career lessons, Inspiration, leadership, Leadership Skills|

Yesterday, I was coaching a young woman who recently graduated from university. She’s doing her first formal job search. She had applied for a job that is very appealing to her. During our conversation, I realised she was basically in a holding pattern. Instead of moving full steam ahead to uncover more opportunities, she

The Real Reason You’re So Tired On Mondays

April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Lifestyle|

Did you know that staying up just an hour or two later on the weekend can wreak havoc on your sleep, not to mention your mood? There’s even a name for it: social jet lag. According to Shelby Freedman Harris, YouBeauty Sleep Expert and director of Behavioral Sleep Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in New

5 Tips for Leading a Multicultural Team

March 30th, 2017|Categories: Career lessons, Diversity, Leadership Skills|

Managing culturally diverse teams requires the same skills as managing teams in general, but there are some things that need extra attention. Perhaps your company has worked hard to cultivate diversity. Or, maybe you’re part of a multicultural organisation that prioritises the contributions of a diverse workforce. Now, you’re managing a culturally diverse team

Money Advice from David Bowie: You’ve Gotta Have a Plan

March 29th, 2017|Categories: Advice, Leadership Skills, Lifestyle, Tips & Tricks|

The late great David Bowie wasn't just a standout dresser and phenomenal singer/songwriter. He was equally innovative in how he managed his money. Back in the late 90's he was the first musician to sell "Bowie Bonds," promising investors a share in future royalties from his music in exchange for upfront cash. How much

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