Hi everyone and I hope you are all doing well and taking good care of yourself.

One of the most common topics I come across in my coaching is when people worry too much. So, if you are one of life’s born worriers, check out the hints and tips in today’s article and become a Warrior, not a Worrier!

I think everyone would admit to being a worrier at one time – a small amount of worrying is normal but some people seem to have made a rather bad habit of it. Once acquired, the habit of worrying can be difficult to stop and some of us feel irresponsible if we don’t worry about things. Somehow we think it has become our ‘job’ to worry!

In actual fact, worrying is never useful. Let’s get honest, does it really help anyone? No! Also, statistics show that 95% of our worries never happen so it really is a complete waste of time that leaves us feeling stressed out and anxious.

Often our worries snowball and we allow our imagination to run away with us. Horrible thoughts of imagined threats and terrible things happening. The trouble is, the more you worry, the bigger your worries become. Some people then even worry about all the time they have spent worrying!

Our worries can show up in many forms. We worry about the future, the present and things which may have happened years ago (note….isn’t it time you let it go?). We worry about what people think about us, our families and whether we are successful and what will happen to us in the years ahead.

You may also find yourself worrying about events or circumstances which you don’t have any control over. One of the key traits in a worrier is they don’t think they can handle what does happen and this is often down to a lack of self-confidence. The truth of the matter is however, that if we knew we could handle anything life throws at us, then we wouldn’t worry about the outcome so much.

Here are a few of my top tips for releasing worries:

1) Start a worry journal and write your worries down. It will help just getting your worries out of your body and onto paper. This is really useful to do last thing at night before you go to sleep.

2) Allow yourself 30 minutes a day to worry about things and then STOP. Schedule in ‘worry time’ in your diary and stick to it!

3) Take action to resolve your worries quickly. The moment the worry enters your head, immediately address it and let it go. Write a plan if you need to.

4) Stop taking responsibility for everyone and everything! Let go and let people live their own lives. Making mistakes is a normal part of life.

5) Accept that a lot of things in life are completely out of your control. Just let go and see what happens.

6) Remind yourself that if the worst does happen, you can handle it! Seriously, what is the worst that could happen?

That’s all for now, have a fabulous week and take care of yourself.
