Humans are creatures of habit so it’s easy to get stuck in a routine. The majority of us get up at the same time every day, order the same coffee every morning and go to work day and day out.
Our comfort zone is a behavioural space where activities and behaviours fit a routine and pattern that minimises stress and risk. It provides a state of mental security. We benefit in obvious ways: regular happiness, low anxiety and reduced stress. But People who regularly seek out fresh experiences tend to be more creative and emotionally resilient than those who remain stuck in a routine.
We are scared of humiliation and the main thing that holds us back from stepping out of our comfort zone is the thought of failure in our society.
“The doors will be open to those who are brave enough to knock”. – Tony A. Gaskins Jr
Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is the key to overcoming this fear. Here’s how to step out of your comfort zone.
Do it regularly
In order to get comfortable being uncomfortable, you need to do it regularly. The more you get comfortable with trying new things the more you will want to say yes to new challenges and opportunities.
Start small
You don’t have to completely change your routine to step out of your comfort zone. Start off by taking a different route to work, changing desk or trying a new restaurant. Even these subtle changes can help you to start feeling comfortable with the discomfort that comes from trying new things.
Look for a challenge
Whether it’s taking up a new sport or taking on a small side project, when you take on something challenging you to experience an endorphin rush and feel recharged afterwards. This will make you more receptive to change as well as give you a fresh outlook.
Focus on the why
Think about what is is you really want, the benefits and the challenges you’re going to overcome to get there. Writing out the benefits of doing the activity, such as “to build courage” or “to become more creative.
Looking at the why when you start to get stressed out can help bring down your stress levels and make it easier to accomplish the task.
Slow down your decision making
In some cases, slowing down can make you uncomfortable, especially if quick thinking and speed are prized in your work or personal life. Observe what’s going on, slow down, take your time to interpret what you see and then intervene. You can be pushed out of your comfort zone from just defending your right to make an educated decision. Don’t just react, think.
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