Australian organisations need to develop more diverse leadership models in a changing world but it would seem many of them are mired in the past.
Yet we’re not alone. A quick look at many of the world’s leading corporations and they are defined by their leader. The leader is revered as the extraordinarily talented figurehead who has shaped the organisation’s success and will continue to do so into the future.
It’s a great belief that has sweeps through many organisations. US author Malcolm Gladwell calls it the “talent-mindset” and he has suggested it’s a belief, which permeates much of the corporate world.
Director of Education and leadership expert at UQ Business School, Professor Polly Parker says the talent-mindset is a throwback to the idea of the “hero leader”.
“Many of our leadership theories originate with the ‘great man’ and it was always a man,” Professor Parker says.
Hero model outdated
“The hero was the shining light but in many ways we were confusing positional power with actual leadership. Leadership has evolved and nowadays a leader is much more of a distributed influencer.”
Professor Parker calls it followership because the key to a good leader is being able to influence. She says leaders need followers and how they manage their relationships with others is crucial.
“A leader needs to be confident and comfortable in their own skin and really know what they stand for. They consult with others before making a decision and they will take a stand if necessary.
“It’s a mix of confidence and humility and an ability to encourage a diversity of views. They need to encourage contrary opinions and engage with people who think differently,” she says.
A key to encouraging differing opinions is to draw from a more diverse leadership base. Professor Parker says our idea of leadership is too narrowly focused.
“We might look at political leaders for example when we should look at areas which aren’t so obvious such as the leaders in the not-for-profit sector.
“They’re examples of leaders who stand for something and have uncompromising values.”
A young leader
Professor Parker cites the story of Pakistani female education activist and Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai as a young leader with extraordinary conviction who is a great influencer and is able to attract people to her cause.
“Malala is a good example as she’s a future leader whose activism goes beyond political ideology and she’s having a positive impact globally.”
Importantly, Malala is a young example of a female leader on the rise at a time when there needs to be a focus on more diversity in leadership.
The United Nations “He for She” initiative launched last year by UN for Women was designed to engage more men and boys globally as advocates for change towards gender equality. It’s a step in the right direction while closer to home sex discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick’s “Male Champions of Change” is accelerating the advancement of women in leadership.
Professor Parker says these initiatives are important steps as they’re moving away from just women trying to make change. They are engaging the whole population and she says we are now seeing more CEOs standing up and providing real results.
“Men in leadership are supportive and they’re making sure women are being given the breadth of experience needed to lead.
“They’re looking at the policies and practices in their organisations and breaking down gender stereotypes in areas such as parental leave for example.
“The long term goal is to get equal numbers of women in senior leader roles and they’ll provide more role models for women on the rise.”
According to Professor Parker we really need to find more diverse ways of doing things especially in these times of change and uncertainty.
“It’s diversity of leadership which will give us more models to work with as we adapt to change. Moreover, it will build resilience and adaptability in our organisations which will create our leaders of the future.”
This article was originally published on Financial Review 21st July 2015. Read the original article here.
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