Buildcorp's all-female site team at its Market Room redevelopment in Queensland last year. From left, Sue Turpie, Kelly ...

Buildcorp’s all-female site team at its Market Room redevelopment in Queensland last year. From left, Sue Turpie, Kelly Pranskunas, Jae Gripske, Josephine Sukkar, Christina Roud. Leon O’Neil

Author Michael Bleby

Buildcorp principal Josephine Sukkar last month hired a former nurse as a project manager. 

The new employee – Buildcorp’s third woman out of 33 mid-level project managers and engineers –  had a depth of experience that dated back to her time managing a floor and being involved with hospital development project work.

Such “accidental entry” into construction isn’t unusual among women, says Sukkar, a former medical research scientist, who says she only got into the business after marrying her husband Tony, Buildcorp’s group managing director.

A spot quiz of women in Buildcorp’s Brisbane office – from where Sukkar spoke to The Australian Financial Review – reveals graduates from disciplines as varied as property development, town planning and interior design. Men, she says, are far more likely to take the “more linear” of a building or construction management degree.

“If I want to attract more women into my business, I’m having to look to other sectors,” she says. “I’m looking to other sectors for women to retrain.”

But that’s only a short-term fix. Only time is going to ensure true equality in an industry that EY last year said had equal numbers of female and male workers, but in which the number of women at the management level was  25 per cent and at the leadership level, less than 10 per cent. But Sukkar has her wins. Last year, the site team at her company’s Market Room redevelopment at QIC Logan Hyperdome was all female.


A key theme for many employers this year is the issue of working flexibly. It’s not happening as fast as it should, says Carol Schwartz, a Stockland director and convenor of the Property Male Champions of Change program.

“I think the issue of implementing flexible workplaces is taking a while, because we haven’t really got our heads around the enablement that technology gives us,” Schwartz says. “We’re all still working in the way we did 50, 60,70 years ago and organisational design is still designed along those lines, by and large. This is a societal issue. It’s not male issue, not a female issue.”

The perceived need to be present at the workplace – as opposed to being judged on what they achieve – is a stigma that stops many men from working flexibly or from taking parental leave, Scentre Group chief executive Peter Allen says. It also influences how males in an organisation view their female counterparts.

“There seems to be a very strong focus in terms of being present in the organisation to be able to achieve success,” he says.

Scentre introduced a new flexible workplace policy last July that has boosted the proportion of women returning from parental leave to 82 per cent from 75 per cent and has also seen two men – one at entry level, one mid-level – take leave as the primary care giver.

“That’s a real positive for us,” he says.

Stockland, which says about 20 per cent of employees work part-time – more than last year – is this year pushing flexibility as a focus for all employees, not just part-time workers or working mothers.

“Flexible working will be critical as we seek to attract the best talent, and we want our workplace and culture to be considerate of the fact that people from all generations, value and demand greater flexibility in the worklife,” a spokesman says.

Other policies are likely to change. Last March, DEXUS started paying superannuation to employees on unpaid parental leave – of whom it now has 12 – to close the gap between the superannuation balance of working mothers and fathers at the end of their respective careers. Scentre and GPT have also adopted the policy.


Last year, GPT introduced support for childcare costs for new mothers returning to work who earn less than $250,000, to help address the significant cost of childcare which can prevent females returning to the workforce.

“One of the things we realised was we could recruit more females into senior leadership roles but if we did not look at our policies and the way we support, manage and nurture the careers of female employees at more junior and middle levels, we wouldn’t achieve a sustainable outcome of gender equality for all time,” GPT’s head of people and performance Phil Taylor says.

But transformation is a long-term project. Sukkar says to get more women in construction ultimately depends on boosting the number of girls making science, technology, engineering and mathematics core parts of their education from school age.

In companies, change is incremental. Between June and December, DEXUS boosted its proportion of female employees to 53.9 per cent of the total from 48 per cent, and to 29.6 per cent of senior management from 26 per cent.

GPT set a target of 40 per cent of females in senior management by the end of 2015, but only reached a figure to 37 per cent at the end of its financial year in December 2015.

Last year Scentre boosted women in senior management to 26 per cent from 19 per cent.

Sukkar, meanwhile, is also tackling the other end of the pipeline, sending some of her employees to high schools and speaking to girls about construction as a career option.

“They don’t generally look like your stereotypical image, with beer guts and plumbers’ cracks,” she laughs. “They’re very normal-looking women!”


This article was originally published on Financial Review, 8th February 2016. View original article.