What's Your Advice to Your Younger Self?

I wrote this article as part of my preparation to speak and emcee (MC) at the 2015 APAC Women in Leadership and Management Summit  in Melbourne in early December. And “Wow!” What a great event that was (see summary here).

The theme of the Summit was Advice to My Younger Self and the program liberally sprinkled with sessions about mindset, courage and confidence along with technical case studies in leadership, customer service and leading cultural change projects.

So in preparation I scoured the interwebs for ideas, videos and some inspiration to see if there are any common themes or threads and also put a call out to my readers – you.

The internet is FULL of advice to your younger self. It seems that hindsight truly is 20:20 vision.


So in keeping with the theme of encouraging women to step up, speak out and take charge here are some thoughts from my own community of readers who are really quite inspiring as it turns out!

“Dear younger self- when you decide that you will risk everything for happiness, that’s the point where you will start to grow and understand that every challenge makes you stronger and wiser.” — Alison


“Go with your gut and don’t be influenced by people that tell you it will be too hard, you know better than anyone else what you’re capable of.” — Rennae


“Dear younger self … don’t waste time trying to change who you are… invest time in being the best leader you can be.” — Judith


“My mother always said to me “Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better best”. I followed her advice, which I believe this attitude has helped me succeed at most things that I have attempted, both professionally and personally.  Therefore I would tell my younger self: ‘Mum was right. Have confidence in yourself: Don’t give up, persevere, do the best that you can and you will succeed!’ That said, I am very happy with who I am and what I have achieved so would not change anything. I am who I am because of everything that I have experienced; good, bad & ugly.”— Sharon


“I would learn to say ‘No’ earlier in my life and to cull negative people a lot quicker than I did! I have told my children not to wait until my age to learn these things! — Tina


“Be brave, take the job that you don’t think you can do. I look at where my (male) colleagues are now, that were clearly on par with me “back then”, and wonder, if I had gone for that job instead of the one I took….” — Elizabeth


“Follow your instincts and gut feeling. If something doesn’t sound right question it. Understand your surroundings and people around you. Dream big and plan how to get there.” — Josie
“Write it down. Make it happen! And believe you can, because challenging yourself more reaps greater rewards!”— Violet


“Make the best of every situation. And the best revenge is definitely happiness!” — Anne


“Keep a handwritten or electronic journal.  Have One Page Personal Improvement Plan. Practice value to others.”— Barry 


“If it feels good it is right. If it feels a little scary it is right. Still not sure? Ask yourself …If I do this what is the best thing that could happen? The worst thing that could happen? The most likely thing that will happen?….then take the leap of faith.” — Melanie
“Take on the boys and challenge things that don’t feel fair”


“Seize the opportunity and don’t overthink”
“Don’t be afraid of change”


“You will fail at times but don’t be afraid because this is where the learning is”
“Look after your body now so it doesn’t let you down later. Nurture yourself”
“Take that step… stretch yourself and be surprised!”
“Trust your instinct because you will be right”
“Take more risks. Looking back that were not that scary”
“Life is too short to self-doubt” — from the team at SA Heart Foundation
“Dear 56 year old – you are still young so do anything you like! Don’t pigeon hole yourself.” — Jane
“Look after your health because everything else is useless if you are too sick to enjoy it. Work out the common illnesses in your family history and then take all the necessary dietary and exercise steps to prevent them.” — De


“Be confident in who you are, have clarity and be proud of all of your strengths and don’t compromise your values for anyone. Be true to yourself always.” — Julie


 My advice to my younger self?
“Dear younger self: Be bolder and more brave than you could possibly imagine. Worry far less about what other people are thinking about you because they most likely aren’t. And love more. Don’t let the distractions of being busy get in the way of your connection with people.” — Amanda


What’s your advice to your younger self?  Comments below.

Special thanks to those in my Facebook community and email newsletter subscribers who not only contributed but made 2015 possible for me!

Vive la révolution! #ambitionrevolution 

  • I work with women one on one to keep them agile, ambitious and focused on making a difference in their careers and communities.
  • I work with organisations who are working on empowering women into leadership roles.
  • I also help budding info-preneurs to create key messages that resonate.
  • Curious about how I can help you in 2016? Check out my website www.amandablesing.com or pop me an email ablesing@amandablesing.com.